Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Penyebaran flu babi semakin luas

WASHINGTON - Penyebaran flu babi terus meluas di Amerika Serikat. Sebanyak 226 orang di 30 negara bagian negara itu dilaporkan positif terkena flu yang disebabkan virus H1N1 itu.

Jumlah 226 kasus yang dilaporkan kemarin merupakan peningkatan tajam. Sebelumnya, Pusat Pengendalian dan Pencegahan Penyakit (CDC) AS hanya melaporkan 160 di 21 negara bagian AS, Minggu (3/5). New York menjadi wilayah yang melaporkan jumlah pasien terbanyak (63 kasus) setelah itu Texas (40 kasus). Penyebaran flu babi di New York lebih sering dijumpai di sekolah-sekolah. Namun, kasus flu babi di AS tergolong ringan bila dibandingkan di negara asal penyakit ini, Meksiko.

Dari 226 pasien yang terinfeksi H1N1 di AS, hanya satu yang tewas yakni seorang balita berusia 22 bulan di Texas yang baru saja kembali dari Meksiko. Selain di AS, negara-negara di kawasan Amerika Utara lainnya seperti Kanada juga melaporkan semakin banyak warga mereka yang terinfeksi virus H1N1. Kolombia menjadi negara Amerika Latini pertama yang melaporkan adanya flu babi di kawasan itu. "Di wilayah AS virus ini sedang menyebar. Namun tidak berarti semua orang terinfeksi dan dalam bahaya. Penyebaran virus lebih sering muncul di komunitas-komunitas yang memang sudah ada virus atau penderita di sana," tutur pejabat CDC Anne Schuchat.

Schuchat menambahkan penyebaran virus H1N1 memunculkan sejumlah fakta yang tidak biasa bila dibandingkan penyebaran flu lainnya. Tidak seperti flu pada umumnya, kebanyak penderita flu babi merupakan kalangan muda yang berusia di atas 17 tahun.

Sangat sedikit virus ini ditemukan pada orang berusia di atas 54 tahun. Fakta inilah yang bisa membuat penyebaran flu babi berbahaya. Gejala flu babi hampir mirip dengan flu biasa seperti demam, batuk, radang tenggorokan, menggigil dan letih. Penyebaran flu babi juga sama mudahnya dengan flu yang ditemukan pada musim dingin. "Kabar baiknya, flu babi tidak memiliki dampak sebahaya kasus flu ekstrim pada masa lalu. Namun, kita harus tetap waspada karena ancaman akan bahaya flu babi belum berlalu," tutur Richard Besser, ketua CDC.

Meningkatnya jumlah penderita flu babi di AS ini bertolak belakang dengan apa yang terjadi di Meksiko. Di negara tersebut, jumlah penderita justru semakin menurun tiap harinya. Jumlah pasien tewas memang bertambah menjadi 22 orang dari 590 kasus namun jumlah tersebut menunjukan angka keseluruhan. Ke-22 korban tewas terdiri dari 15 wanita dan tujuh laki-laki. "Evolusi epidemik di Meksiko sekarang memasuki fase penurunan," jelas menteri kesehatan Meksiko Jose Angel Cordova.

Meksiko masih memberlakukan lima hari (Jumat-Selasa) libur sebagai antisipasi penyebaran flu babi di negara itu. Sekolah, perkantoran dan restaurant masih tutup hingga hari ini untuk meminimalisasi kontak antar manusia. Langkah ini dianggap berhasil karena jumlah penderita terus mengalami penurunan. "Kami sudah berhasil menekan atau setidaknya memperlambat penyebaran flu babi," kata Presiden Meksiko Felipe Calderon saat diwawancarai di sebuah televisi.

Aneh.dot // A men bury brothers girlfriend

MOSCOW - A man charged in Russia because bury alive brother girlfriend. This case was the public's attention seize Russia. Be AFP, Selasa (5/5/2009), men aged 20 years tie the hands of the victim and then menguburnya alive in a cemetery.

Alleged motive of the incident because the victim was peeved violence against the mother and her female relatives. According to the official post-mortem examiner, said the victim was killed identitasinya hidden because windless.

Ria Novosti news agency reported, cases of this court to be the northeastern city of Kirov. The girlfriend of the threat of punishment to eight years for life if proven guilty.

Duuh, students fraudulent poison teacher > swap

WASHINGTON - know what motifnya, a clear two students this school really do not act civilized. Both the coffee drunk poison their teacher.

Events that occurred on Monday morning this weekend when the subjects of art in progress. Two students entered the Ipecac, a kind of syrup that can make queasy stomach, into the coffee akan diminun the Sequoyah middle school teacher in Federal Way Washington, the United States.

Not long after that, the teachers feel serious pain in the stomach and taken to the hospital. Both students are not permitted directly learned by the school.

"Administrative school direct investigations, and the two students recognize them," said Daine Turner, Sequoyah school officials cited as CNN, on Wednesday (14/4/2009). They claim to only fraudulent.

"I can not speculate on what the students think about that. What I can say is they will get the punishment inflicted, and we are forced not to allow them go to school," added Turner.

In the near future, about Turner, the two students will be issued and there are likely to undergo the legal process in the police. According to Turner, even though the children do, they act dikatagorikan already criminal acts.

We will not tolerate the act to be harmful habit-MURI our students, "Turner firm.

After the examination, the teacher who diracuni it does not have a problem seriously and are allowed to return home from the hospital. Security authorities are still investigating this case. No party made a suspect.
> swap

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Pig Flu

South Korean Government of (South Korea) to confirm cases of swine flu (H1N1 flu) in the country is Ginseng. This is the first confirmed case of South Korea.

H1N1 flu sufferer is a woman aged 51 years. He previously stated may be infected swine flu. Such as South Korea made media, dilansir and Yonhap news agency Reuters on Saturday (2/5/2009).

"People in South Korea who are classified as" may "have been exposed to flu is confirmed," said an official of the Ministry of Health South Korea that are not mentioned his name.

The woman just returned from a trip to Mexico in mid-April. He lived in Mexico City for about sepekan. Women who take the veil is immediately quarantined in the hospital so himself suspected infected H1N1 flu virus. However, at this time the symptoms of dideritanya almost healed.

According to Yonhap, the veil is one of the three patients in South Korea is suspected of pigs during the flu this weekend. Two other patients was a woman aged 44 years and a bus driver aged 57 years. Both did not travel to countries with H1N1 flu.

Results of the test bus driver showed negative results. However, tests on women aged 44 years is still in progress. Woman living with the nuns positive with H1N1 flu.

Before the first case of swine flu has been confirmed also in Hong Kong. Patient was a tourist Mexican origin.